
Full Stack Web Developer (HTML, CSS5 ,JS, Bootstrapping ,PHP with MySQL) Basic

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Full Stack Web Developer is a software expert who’s equally proficient in frontend (client-side) development and backend (server-side) development. Full Stack Developers are familiar with each layer of tech stacks that go into the making of a software product.
This course is encapsulated with the following key materials

  • Warm-up on the concepts of Web Development.
  • Prepare with comprehensive Topic-wise tutorial Materials.
  • Highly Qualified and Experienced Technical Team to help each trainee.
  • Small Batch Size for focused Learning path of the student.


  • Basic Computer Knowledge.
  • A basic understanding of HTML and Programming will be helpful.
  • Willingness to improve and compete with the best.
  • Curiosity to learn more and code.

Key Learning Outcomes:

When you complete this Course Curriculum, you will be able to accomplish the following:

  • Design Static Web Application
  • Develop dynamic Web Application
  • Design and Develop Full Flashed Responsive Web Application
  • New ways of solving problems, and the ability to solve more complex problems.
  • Writing bug-free code.

Target Audience

  • Students who want to get selected in Top-Tier IT Companies like TCS, Infosys, Microsoft, Samsung, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Wipro, and all leading MNCs of the world.
  • Students who wish to work in the capacity of Full Stack Web Developer.
  • B.Tech/MCA/BCA/B.Sc IT/M.Tech Students/Working Professionals from Corporate

Test & Evaluation

  • During the program, the participants will have to take all assignments given to them for better learning.
  • At the end of the program, a final assessment will be conducted.


  • All successful participants will be provided with a certificate of completion.
  • Students who do not complete the course / leave it midway will not be awarded any certificate.

Delivery Mode & Duration :

Online Live Mode – 100 Hours (50 Hours Online Live sessions + 50 Hours of assignment)

Module 1: Web Development Introduction

  • Introduction
  • What is Server? Discuss LAMP/WAMP/XAMP?
  • Difference between global server and local server?
  • Configuration of local server.
  • Role of http over the network/Internet.
  • Terminologies
  • Web client
  • Web server
  • Web browser
  • Webpage
  • Website
  • Discuss Client server architecture.

Module 2: HTML

  • HTML Basics
    • Understand the structure of a HTML page.
    • Understanding HTML Elements.
    • Creating and saving first web page.
    • Defining the title on webpage.
    • Showing the icon on webpage.
    • Use of HTML Attributes.
    • Syntax to use attribute in HTML.
    • Using background image.
    • Defining marquee in HTML
    • Empty HTML element.
    • Creating horizontal line.
  • Text and link on web page
    • Discussion on font formatting
    • Creating Headings in HTML.
    • Creating and styling Paragraphs.
    • Using different color coding.
    • Comments in HTML
    • Linking webpages using hyperlink
    • Creating different types of hyperlink
    • Creating image on webpage.
  • HTML Tables and basic layout
    • Showing data in tabular form.
    • Creating tabular data in different format.
    • Discussion on different properties of table and its impact
    • Formatting on table.
    • Initial layout management of website using table.
    • Discussion on div and span.
  • HTML Lists
    • Creating list on web page to show the details of product.
    • Creating different types of List.
    • Properties of numbered list.
    • Properties of bulleted list
    • Creating HTML description Lists
  • HTML Forms
    • Discussion on form
    • Attribute related to form
    • Method of posting form on to server.
    • Discussion on binary data posting
    • Creating textbox, checkbox, radio button etc. control.
    • Differentiation between checkbox, radio button and drop down list.
    • Discussion on taking long text from user like feedback, address etc.

Module 3: CSS

  • CSS Basics
    • Introduction of CSS.
    • Advantage of using CSS over the HTML.
    • Properties and its value in CSS.
    • Ways to use CSS.
    • Why external CSS.
    • Comment in CSS.
  • Selectors in CSS
    • Discussion on selector.
    • Different type of selector
    • Tag selector
    • Defining and using multi selector.
    • Defining and using class selector
    • Multiple classes on particular tag.
    • Defining and using id selector.
    • Defining and using universal selector.
    • Why universal selector.
    • Defining and using attribute selector.
    • Use and advantage of using pseudo-class.
    • Defining nested selector.
    • Discussion on Pseudo element
  • Text formatting using CSS
    • Defining the color, size of text.
    • Discussion on different measurement unit.
    • Removing underline from hyperlink.
    • Use of text transformation.
    • Creating text shadow.
  • Page formatting using CSS
    • Defining the background.
    • Managing image in background.
    • Managing layout of page using position.
    • Differentiate absolute, relative and fixed layout.
    • Defining margin and padding.
    • Setting individual margin and padding on page.
    • Create transparent box.
  • Table formatting using CSS
    • Defining the separate and collapse border.
    • Managing image in background.
    • Generate different structure of table.
    • Create table striped.
  • Border formatting using CSS
    • Defining border width
    • Define the individual border width.
    • Defining different kind of border style
    • Define the individual border style.
    • Defining border color
    • Define the individual border color.
    • Defining the radius of border.
  • List formatting
    • Setting list style
    • Showing image as an list
    • Positioning list.
    • Creating navigation bar.
    • Generating different view of navigation bar.

Module 4: JavaScript

  • Introduction of JavaScript
  • Basic of java script
  • Function in java script
  • Java script event handling
  • Object in java script
  • String in java script
  • Number in java script
  • Array in java script
  • Error object in java script
  • Type conversion in java script
  • Form control in java script
  • DOM
    • Introduction of DOM.
    • Discuss DOM over the java script.
    • Ways to access HTML element using DOM.
    • Accessing style using DOM.
    • Add event listener using DOM.
    • Add event handler to an element.
    • Remove event listener.
    • Create new HTML element using DOM.
    • Remove HTML element using DOM.
    • Discuss collection object.

Module 5: PHP

  • Introduction
    • Introduction to PHP.
    • History of PHP.
    • Why PHP?
    • Discuss web server, also discuss LAMP/WAMP/XAMP.
    • Environment step up and its requirement.
    • Discuss about IP and port number.
    • Discuss configuration related to service issue.
    • Introduction of PHP interpreter.
    • Execution of PHP script.
  • PHP Basics
    • How to write PHP script.
    • Displaying message using PHP.
    • Saving and running first code.
    • Difference between echo and print.
    • Discuss comments in PHP.
    • What do you mean by PHP identifier?
    • Naming convention of identifier in PHP.
    • Discussion on PHP variable type.
    • Displaying output in various formats.
    • Concatenation operator in PHP.
    • String in single quotation and in double quotation.
    • What is type juggling?
    • Showing the type of variables.
    • Creating and accessing constant in PHP.
    • Difference between constant and variable.
    • Demonstration and discussion on magic constant in PHP.
  • Operators in PHP
    • What do you mean by operator?
    • Types of operators.
    • Discuss operators on the basis of number of operand.
  • Decision making
    • What do you mean of selection construct or decision making construct.
    • Explanation and demonstration on if-else, nested-if and else if ladder.
    • Discuss and demonstrate switch-case.
  • Looping
    • What do you mean by loop?
    • Different looping statement in PHP.
    • Demonstration on while, do-while, for and foreach loop in PHP.
    • Discuss break and continue statement with demonstration.
  • Array
    • What do you mean by array?
    • How PHP array different from array of other languages.
    • Discuss array function.
    • How many types of array available in PHP.
    • Discuss numerical array and associative array as multidimensional array.
    • Demonstrate sorting in an array elements.
    • Discuss other function that manipulate or access array elements.
  • String
    • What is string?
    • How many ways to define a string in PHP.
    • Differentiate implode and explode.
    • Demonstration on converting plain text into cipher text.
    • Finding the length of string.
    • Converting string in different cases.
    • Replacing string in PHP.
    • Comparing strings.
    • String repetition function and repetition operator.
    • Discuss various string related function.
  • Function
    • What do you mean by function?
    • Types of function.
    • Creating user defined function.
    • Ways to create user defined function.
    • Local and global scope of variable.
    • Role of default argument in PHP function.
    • How to return multiple values from function.
    • Creating variable function in PHP.
    • Including and managing external static and dynamic resources.
    • Demonstrating built in functions.
  • Reusing Code in PHP
    • include statement
    • include_once statement
    • require statement
    • require_once statement
  • File Handling
    • What is file? Differentiate file with directory.
    • Why file is required?
    • Opening and closing file in PHP.
    • Discuss different mode of opening file.
    • Writing file using PHP.
    • Reading files in PHP.
    • Removing and renaming files in PHP.
    • Copy file content in PHP.
    • Opening directory in PHP.
    • Read the content from directory.
    • Getting and changing directory.
    • Creating and removing directory in PHP.
  • Form Handling
    • Discuss get and post method of form.
    • Using $_GET[] and $_POST[] super global variable.
    • Discuss use of $_REQUEST[].
    • Discussion on binary data posting.
    • Action attribute of form tag.
    • Demonstration of sending form data on PHP script.
    • Discussion on $_PHP_SELF.
    • Writing PHP script in same page.
    • Validating control and showing error messages using PHP.
  • State management
    • What do you mean by state management?
    • Discuss HTTP is stateless protocol.
    • Discussion on request and response.
    • What is query string? How we can use.
    • Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of query string.
    • Understanding session and cookie?
    • Differentiate session and cookie.
    • Demonstrate creation of session and how to remove it.
    • Removing all created session in PHP.
    • Advantage of using session in PHP.
    • Discuss the role of session_start().
    • How to turn on session automatically.
    • Discussion on default path and time of session.
    • How get current session id.
    • Discuss maximum data size PHP session can hold.
    • Demonstration creating and removing session.
    • Creating and removing cookies in PHP.
    • Discussion of size of cookies.
    • Types of cookies in PHP.
    • Create login page with user credential.
    • Demonstration on securing login.

Module 6: Database Programming in PHP using MySQL

  • Database
    • Introduction of database.
    • Advantage of using database over file oriented approach.
    • What do you mean by database?
    • What do you mean by DBMS?
    • Differentiate DBMS with RDBMS.
    • Discuss terminologies used in RDBMS.
    • What is SQL?
    • What do you mean by DDL, DML, DQL statements?
    • What do you mean by query?
  • CRUD operation
  • Step to connect with database.
  • Differentiating mysql with mysqli.
  • What do you mean by procedural and object oriented connection.
  • Demonstration to connect with server.
  • Checking server connection.
  • Showing record of table using PHP script.

Module 7: Project Work

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