
JAVA (Basic and Advance)

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Throughout the course, hands-on exercises (both classroom & Lab Assignment) are designed to teach object oriented programming using the Java Standard Edition programming language.


No experience is required, But fundamental knowledge of C/C++ would be helpful.

Key Learning Outcomes:

•Learn the syntax, semantics and idioms of the Java programming language.
•Gain confidence in object oriented programming principles through lots of practical exercises that provide useful exposure to the core Java class libraries.

Targeted Audience

• Students who want to get selected in Top-Tier IT Companies like TCS, Infosys , Microsoft , Samsung , Google , Amazon , Facebook , Wipro and all leading MNC’s of the world .
• Students who wish to work in the capacity of Full Stack Web Developer.
• B.Tech/MCA/BCA/B.Sc IT/M.Tech Students/Working Professionals from Corporate.

Test & Evaluation

• During the program, the participants will have to take all assignments given to them for better learning.
• At the end of the program, a final assessment will be conducted.


• All successful participants will be provided with a certificate of completion.
• Students who do not complete the course / leave it midway will not be awarded any certificate.


100 hours (40 hours ONLINE LIVE sessions + 60 Hours of assignment)

Delivery Mode:

Online Live Instructor led learning.

  • Introduction of Java programming language.
  • History of Java language, Types of languages.
  • Features of Java language.
  • Different Editions of Java Language.
  • Java Development Tool Kit.
  • Java Development Environment Setup.
  • Java Platform Independence.
  • Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
  • Compilation & Execution of a Program.
  • Java Path Setting for Windows and Linux.
  • First Java Program.
  • Java Programming Fundamentals.
  • Java Data Types.
  • Keyword.
  • Identifiers and Literals.
  • Variable and Constants.
  • Java Comments.
  • Java Programming Naming Conventions.
  • Programming Indentation Techniques
  • Operators.
  • Java Flow Controls (conditional, looping, and switch statements)
  • Class and Object.
  • Concept of Encapsulation.
  • Concept of Abstraction.
  • Concept of Inheritance.
  • Concept of Polymorphism
  • Class Deceleration.
  • Object Construction.
  • Data Members.
  • Member Functions.
  • Constructor and Blocks
  • Introduction to Arrays in JAVA
  • Declaring Array Variables & Construction of Array
  • Array’s Memory Representation.
  • Initializing an Array – static and dynamic
  • Counting elements in the Array
  • Single & Multi-dimensional Arrays
  • Anonymous Arrays
  • Using for-each loop with Arrays
  • Using methods from java.util.Arrays class
  • Method Overloading Issues : using var-args methods
  • Introduction to Java String Handling
  • Introduction to Java Packages
  • Understanding the need of packages
  • Creating a package
  • Creating sub-package
  • Compiling and Running Code from Packages
  • Importing a package
  • Java access specifiers
  • Introduction to Java Inheritance
  • Understanding the need of Inheritance
  • Benefits of Inheritance.
  • Types of Inheritance
  • Implementing single inheritance using “extends” keyword
  • Constructor behavior in Inheritance.
  • Object Assignment Compatibilities.
  • Reference Assignment compatibilities.
  • Class Casting Rules
  • Understanding Polymorphism
  • Static Polymorphism or Early Binding
  • Dynamic Polymorphism or Late Binding
  • Implementing static polymorphism in JAVA.
  • Method Overloading.
  • Constructor Overloading
  • Implementing dynamic polymorphism
  • Method Overriding
  • Using “final” keyword for
  • Restricting the class extension
  • Restricting the method overriding
  • Abstract methods & Abstract classes
  • Introduction to Interface
  • Understanding Streams and stream operation
  • Types of Stream – character and Binary streams
  • Input and Output Streams
  • Understanding Stream class Hierarchy
  • Line-oriented I/O
  • Buffered Streams
  • Scanning and Formatting
  • I/O from the command-line
  • Standard streams
  • The console
  • Data streams
  • Object streams
  • Random Access File
  • Introduction Exception Handling
  • What is Exception?
  • Exception class-hierarchy
  • Understanding the difference between checked & unchecked exception
  • Understanding stack-based execution
  • Handling exceptions:- using try-catch-finally blocks
  • Proper use of throw and throws clauses
  • Chained Exception
  • Introduction and importance of thread.
  • What is a Thread?
  • Understand the thread execution behavior.
  • Creating a thread using Thread class and Runnable interface
  • Thread Life Cycle, states and their transition
  • Using methods from java.lang.Thread for state transition
  • Need of synchronization? Concept of Object Locking.
  • Language-level support for synchronization : “synchronized” keyword
  • Introduction Collection Framework
  • Benefits of collection framework
  • Collection Interface Hierarchy
  • The java.util.Collection interface: Supported Operations
  • Basic Operations
    Bulk Operations
    Array Operation
  • Traversing collections
    Using for-each loop
    Using Iterator
  • The java.util.List interface: Supported Operations
    Positional Access
  • The java.util.Set interface: Supported Operations
    Basic Operations
    Bulk Operations
    Array Operations
  • Working with List and Set implementation classes Using methods from java.util.Collections
  • The java.util.Map interface
    Basic operations
    Bulk operations
    Getting Collection views
    Using Map.Entry interface

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